New CEFIR Report: Teaching Sensitive Topics to College Students

Justine Castonguay-Payant, doctoral student in education sciences at the Université de Montréal and member of the Centre d’expertise et de formation sur les intégrismes religieux, les idéologies politiques et la radicalisation (CEFIR), and Martin Geoffroy, director of CEFIR and professor of sociology at Cégep Édouard-Montpetit, recently published a research report titled “Radicalisation, sujets sensibles et coconstructions des connaissances: une recension des écrits [Radicalization, sensitive subjects and co-constructions of knowledge: a review of the literature]”. This report explores key research on approaches to addressing sensitive topics, particularly radicalization, in college education. This question is at the heart of the educational community’s concerns about issues that can affect both students and teachers.

The report also addresses the issue of co-construction of knowledge, since research and training in the college environment is largely applied research carried out in close collaboration with partners from all walks of life and with members of the communities being studied.

The document was produced as part of the research and prevention project titled “L’extrême-droite au Québec : acteurs, idéologies et prévention [Extreme Right in Québec: Actors, Ideologies and Prevention]”, funded by Public Safety Canada’s Community Resilience Fund. This three-year project (2019-2022) aims to understand the recent evolution of right-wing extremism in Quebec, identify the factors that lead to involvement in it, and develop tools to provide CEFIR’s partners (police services, educational institutions, community partners) with guides to understanding and preventing right-wing extremism. This report provides the basis for implementing the tool development phase in co-construction with CEFIR’s partners.

Please note that the report is only available in French.

Photo credit : CEFIR