ASIF, Umair — Research Assistant
Umair has expertise in Sports for Development and Peace (SDP) and Violent Extremism prevention. He is a social activist and the founder of Kafka Welfare Organization Pakistan. Currently, he is a Ph.D. student at UQAM University Canada. He is exploring SDP and Violent Extremism prevention. He works as a research assistant for Project Someone, an initiative that raises awareness, creates spaces for pluralistic dialogues, and combats discrimination and online hate. He has been affiliated with the United Nations and Women Deliver Young Leaders programs. In addition, he has contributed to the Youth Expert group of the United Nations High-Level Meeting 2020 on Sports and PVE. Lastly, he is a board member of the UNESCO Task Force on Youth and Sport, a member of the UNESCO Chair in Curriculum Development at UQAM Canada, and a former faculty member of GC University Lahore, Pakistan. He is very passionate about changing the lives of young people through sports.

BEIER, Jessie — Project SOMEONE Collaborator
Jessie Beier is currently a Horizon Postdoctoral Fellow at Concordia University whose current research-creation practice experiments with developing ecological dissensus and heretical forms of pedagogy aimed at collective practices of negation, refusal and fabulation. Beier recently completed a Ph.D. at the University of Alberta in the Department of Secondary Education with a SSHRC-funded project titled Pedagogy at the End of the World: Weird Pedagogies for Unthought Educational Futures.

BOLDUC, Karine — Executive Secretary
Karine Bolduc is currently Executive Secretary for the UNESCO-PREV Chair and for the School of Applied Politics of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Sherbrooke. She was a member of the Board of Directors at Baseball Sherbrooke as Director of Events & Communications for several years. She was able to bring her contributions in terms of leadership, organization and a great capacity for coordination within her team. Her association was even host of the 2017 provincial games and her event was nominated for the Mérite sportif de l’Estrie. She has won the Volunteer of the Year award several times, for Baseball Sherbrooke and Baseball Estrie, as well as at the provincial level. Ms. Bolduc was coordinator for the University of Sherbrooke’s 2012 Centraide campaign and raised an unprecedented amount of nearly $170,000 in funding. This dedication enabled her to win the volunteer award with Centraide twice. Very involved at the community level, Ms. Bolduc is above all a person of challenge and action.

BONCI, Alessandra — Research Assistant
Alessandra Bonci is a PhD candidate in political science at Laval University, under the supervision of Professor Francesco Cavatorta. She is currently preparing a thesis on the political engagement of radical pious women activists in Tunisia since 2011. She is interested in gender studies and politics in Tunisia and the MENA region. Alessandra has also worked on the secular-Islamist divide in Tunisia and the role of the Tunisian diaspora in France and Italy in the 2011 revolution. Among her works, she recently published a chapter of the book “Global Political Demography in the Maghreb Region” with Francesco Cavatorta. Alessandra also published the book chapter “The secular/Islamist divide in Tunisia: myth or reality?” entitled “The Arab Spring: microdynamics of activism and revolt between change and continuity”. In 2019, Alessandra published the review article “Salafi fuel for ISIS’ tanks? The ideological relationship between Salafism and the Islamic State” on the peer-reviewed journal Mediterranean Politics.

BONNEAU, Josie-Ann — Coordinator of the innovative social pedagogy project in Chicoutimi
Josie-Ann Bonneau is the coordinator of the UNESCO Chair in Cultural Transmission among First Peoples as a Dynamic of Well-Being and Empowerment. She holds a bachelor’s degree in sociology and anthropology and a master’s degree in regional studies and interventions. During her studies, Josie-Ann adopted an intersectional approach to exploring issues related to the integration practices of Latin American women in Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean. Professionally, she has also worked on the decolonization of relations between Indigenous and non-Indigenous organizations, as well as on bringing Indigenous and non-Indigenous people closer together through the promotion of Indigenous languages and cultures.

BRAULT, Annabelle — Project SOMEONE Collaborator
Annabelle Brault is a resource-oriented music therapist, musician, researcher and educator. A full-time music therapy lecturer at Concordia University, she is interested in the use of music technology as a creative medium to instill social change. Alongside her teaching, she works as a music therapist with youth and caregivers. Her research and activist interests include harnessing the emancipatory power of music, resource-oriented approaches, as well as the use of music technology and performance in education. Ms. Brault’s participation in the educational initiative ‘Landscape of Hope’, led by Prof. Vivek Venkatesh as part of Project SOMEONE, embodies all of these interests, as unique audiovisual performances are used to explore resilience in the digital age. As a professional musician using electronic music media, she collaborates with artists such as Justin Wright, Cedric Noel, Tambour, Landscape of Hate and arc.

CHANG-KREDL, Sandra — Project SOMEONE Collaborator
Sandra Chang-Kredl is Associate Professor in the Department of Education at Concordia University. She conducts research on a wide range of topics in the field of education. Mrs. Chang-Kredl’s interests include teacher identity, curriculum studies, children’s popular culture, and cultural studies. She is a researcher with Project SOMEONE’s Landscape of Hope project.

CHAPMAN, Owen — Project SOMEONE Collaborator
In addition to being a composer, DJ and researcher, Owen Chapman is Associate Professor in Sound Production and Scholarship in the Department of Communication Studies at Concordia University. Addressing the place of sound in everyday life through his research, Mr. Chapman’s audio work involves app design, live performance and electronic composition and has been featured internationally in video soundtracks, media workshops, site-specific installations as well as solo and group performances.

CHOQUETTE, Emmanuel — Associate professor
Emmanuel Choquette is a professor of communication in the Department of Communication at the Université de Sherbrooke. He is also a professor-researcher with the “Groupe de recherche en communication politique” (GRCP), a co-investigator with the “Centre pour l’étude de la citoyenneté démocratique” (CÉCD) and a member of the “Observatoire de l’humour” (OH). His work focuses on political communication, discursive strategies, social cohesion issues and humour studies. He has conducted post-doctoral research at the UNESCO-Prev Chair and the Centre for Research on Social Innovations and Transformations (CRITS) aimed at developing effective communication strategies to combat hate speech. He is also interested in the representation and “negative stereotyping” of cultural and religious minorities in the public space, particularly through humorous discourse.

CLERMONT-DION, Léa — Project SOMEONE Collaborator
Léa Clermont-Dion is a filmmaker and postdoctoral student at Concordia University. She has a PhD in political science from Laval University. Her research focuses on cyberviolences against women, feminist empowerment on social media, violence against women, etc. She has received the Vanier scholarship, one of the most prestigious doctoral scholarships in Canada. She is interested in online antifeminist radicalization and sexist hate speech. She is the director of three documentaries: T’as juste à porter plainte (Noovo), Backlash: Online Misogyny in The Digital Age (Radio-Canada and Documentary Channel) and Janette et filles (Télé-Québec). She is also the author of three books La revanche des moches (2014), Les Superbes (2016) and Crève avec moi (2019).

To consult the list of our former collaborators, click here.