The Chair is conducting a mapping of centers of expertise in prevention of violent extremism (PVE), in order to aggregate the results in an international open access bank of experts and institutions (by country) on the Chair’s website, which is regularly updated.
This cartography allows the general public to quickly identify the poles of expertise (research, community, government and international organizations) on a map and to access an experts database composed of researchers and practitioners working in primary, secondary and tertiary PVE programs.
The objectives of this mapping are to identify and network poles of expertise and communities of practice in PVE at the international level. It aims to share and promote research and action in the prevention of violent radicalization and extremism. Finally, this mapping is an innovative tool to ensure close collaboration between researchers and communities of practice in a comparative, multidisciplinary and North-South perspective.
If you wish to add data related to a pole of expertise (organization and/or expert) that satisfies the classification criteria listed below, please contact Pablo Madriaza by email (info@chaireunesco-prev.ca).
List of classification criteria
Research organizations
A research organization must:
- Carry out activities aimed at advancing scientific knowledge in the area of PVE;
- Have a physical research facility;
- Have qualified research staff available;
- Have published at least one report, study or scientific paper on PVE.
Community organizations
A community organization must:
- Work in the fields of assessment, prevention and/or intervention in the area of violent radicalization and extremism;
- Promote social change and be involved in communities;
- Be non-profit and autonomous;
- Freely define its orientations, policies, objectives and approaches.
Government agencies
A government agency must:
- Carry out a public interest mission in the fields of assessment, prevention and/or intervention in the area of violent radicalization and extremism;
- Have been created by a government authority;
- Be financed by public funds, in whole or in part;
- Have decision-making and management autonomy, while being supervised by the State.
International organizations
An international organization must:
- Work in research, evaluation, prevention and/or intervention in the area of violent radicalization and extremism;
- Have been created by an international treaty or a multilateral convention within the framework of the sovereignty of the state.
An expert must:
- Work in the fields of research, evaluation, prevention and/or intervention in the area of violent radicalization and extremism;
- Be associated with a research organization, government entity, community organization or international organization according to the criteria defined above.