Human Rights Impact of Policies and Practices Aimed at Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism

A report of the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism, the document, which was submitted to the United Nations General Assembly (UN), addresses the global and national effects of the widespread use of policies and practices aimed at preventing and countering violent extremism.

The Special Rapporteur acknowledges the social and political imperatives of addressing violent extremism but underscores that only rightsaffirming and rights-focused policies will have long-term success in preventing violence. She underscores the lack of a robust scientific basis for the current policies and practices aimed at preventing and countering violent extremism and the complete absence of human rights-based monitoring and evaluation, including by United Nations entities.

The Special Rapporteur cautions against the simplistic deployment of policy aimed at preventing and countering violent extremism in complex conflict and fragile settings, where a broader spectrum of interconnected interventions is necessary to stem violent extremism.