Author Archives: Sylvana

Publication of the systematic review of the PREV-IMPACT project : “What we know about evaluating programs to prevent violent extremism”

The UNESO-PREV Chair publishes its systematic review. This report is part of the first phase of the PREV-IMPACT Canada project which, supported by the Community Resiliency Fund of the Canadian Centre for Community Engagement and Violence Prevention and Public Safety Canada, aims to develop and implement Canadian models of program evaluation in the area of violent extremism prevention

The gouvernement du Québec renews funding for the Chaire until 2026

This renewal is an endorsement of the work of the Chair in the prevention of violent radicalization and extremism. The UNESCO-PREV Chaire, whose mandate was renewed last December, recently received an additional $480,000 in funding from the Quebec government to continue its work until 2026.

Participation of David Morin to the event : « Les Grandes découvertes de l’UdeS – popularization of research of researchers who have distinguished themselves at the UdeS »

Internationally, UdeS researchers stand out for their bold research projects and recognized expertise. Come and meet leaders in knowledge creation during a 7@9 that will be highly interesting, whether online or face to face.