Les territoires ruraux en France – Quelle sécurité ?

L’Institut national des hautes études de la sécurité et de la justice (INHESJ) published issue 44 of Cahiers de la sécurité et de la justice . This issue includes articles on the prevention and the fight against Islamist radicalization.

In this publication titled “Les territoires ruraux en France – Quelle sécurité ?”  (Rural territories in France – What Security?) INHESJ examines the effects of urbanization beyond the limits of the city’s space and its suburbs. Among the articles published in this issue are:

“Les communes françaises et la prévention de la radicalisation islamiste” (French Municipalities and the Prevention of Islamist Radicalization) by Xavier LATOUR.

“Les paradoxes de la lutte contre la radicalisation islamiste en France” (The Paradoxes of the Fight Against Islamist Radicalization in France) by Noémie COGNARD.

“Peut-on négocier avec les « terroristes » ?” (Can We Negotiate with “Terrorists”?) by Claire BAUDOT.

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