Symposium La liberté d’expression en question

Two members of the UNESCO-PREV Chair will be attending the symposium La liberté d’expression en question organized by the Observatoire de la liberté d’expression (LibObs).

The co-holder of the UNESCO-PREV Chair Pr.  Marie-Ève Carignan will present “Médias et minorités: comment ouvrir le dialogue pour rétablir la confiance?” as part of a workshop focusing on youth and freedom of speech.

UNESCO-PREV post-doctoral fellow Mathieu Colin will also participate to a workshop focusing on the themes of beliefs, science, and democratic deliberation. He will present “Croyances, sciences et politique en contexte de Covid-19 : points de vue citoyen” alongside Pr. Stéphanie Tremblay from Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM).


Date: October 18 to 20.

Location: Auditorium P0-5000, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi.


For more informations:

Observatoire’s website :

Symposium’s website:

Symposium’s registration:

Facebook event: