« Comprendre les enjeux entourant la situation actuelle à Gaza » conference at the Université de Sherbrooke

As part of UdeS Monde, the co-holder and scientific director of the UNESCO-PREV Chair, David Morin and Sami Aoun, will take part in the event “Comprendre les enjeux entourant la situation actuelle à Gaza”  on May 24 at noon in the foyer du Mont-Orford at the Centre culturel de l’Université de Sherbrooke.

The two professors will give a short presentation on the current situation in Gaza. Debates, exchanges and self-criticism on both sides of the conflict will be discussed, while also shedding light on possible ways out of the crisis. Professors Sami Aoun and David Morin will then take questions from the audience.

To register: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=RIdaOjVZ-UWUI7MsOl3gggR7-bswGtNOmwdTf7MPSsxUNUo5RDZDSTZGWFdVNDM2SDIxWjlTNVVaQSQlQCN0PWcu