L’Observatoire des radicalismes et conflits religieux (ORCRA) published “Au-delà des identités et des idéologies : les multiples dynamiques de l’insécurité au Nigeria sous Buhari (2015- 2018)”
The Observatory of Radicalism and Religious Conflicts in Africa (ORCRA) devoted a special issue to the security situation in Nigeria under Buhari. The issue was entrusted to Alioune Ndiaye, a lecturer at the University of Sherbrooke, specialist in Nigeria and Sahel security issues, and visiting researcher at the Timbuktu Institute. Ndiaye, goes beyond identities and ideologies, to revisit the multiple dynamics of insecurity in Nigeria and analyze the Buhari government’s strategy.
This was one of the main reasons for the turn of the Yusufiyya peace movement towards the violent organization Boko Haram. (Abosede et al, 2016). Insecurity is also the product of certain conditions that can be both socio-political and economic. In the case of Nigeria, the issue of horizontal inequality is a key factor in the practice of political violence and the ensuing insecurity (Langer, Mustapha and Stewart, 2007). Horizontal inequalities are inequalities between groups perceived through the lens of social identities. These identities can be built on an ethnic, religious, racial or regional basis (Cederman et al, 2011). The importance of horizontal inequalities as a factor of conflict is explained by the fact that they increase the likelihood of violent mobilization and ethnic clashes, thus reinforcing the collective feeling of marginalization and grievances that constitute the basis of mobilization against the State.