Cultures, Sociétés et Faits religieux

Location: Rabat, Morocco

Start Date:

The Chaire Cultures, Sociétés et Faits Religieux de l’Université internationale de Rabat launched the international PRIMED project.

A press conference was held Friday, March 29, 2019, gathered Moroccan universities, International University of Rabat, Mohammed V University, Hassan II University, Sultane My Slimane University, and their Italian counterparts, University of Oriental Piedmont, University of Padua, to launch the PRIMED project: Prevenzione e Interazione nello Spazio Trans-Mediterraneo – Prevention and Interaction in the Trans-Mediterranean Area.

The project aims to create a network of universities within the framework of cooperation between Italian universities and those of member states of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. This interdisciplinary approach tackles the cognitive and operational implications of integration processes in Italy, and the fight against violent radicalization between the two shores of the Mediterranean.

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