This event, open to all, allowed students and postdoctoral fellows to present their research and discuss research topics related to the SHERPA research niche.
The following were among the participants:
Diana Miconi, McGill. Multicenter Study on the Social Determinants of Support for Violent Radicalization Among College Students in Quebec. This study presents the results of a large online survey of college students in Quebec regarding the support for violent radicalization and its social determinants. Specifically, they examine how institutional and local differences affect student support for violent radicalization and its risk and protective factors (i.e. social adversity, depression, collective identity). (Co-author: Cécile Rousseau, Division of Social and Transcultural Psychiatry, McGill).
Rochelle Frounfelker, McGill. Discrimination, Injustice and Support for Violent Extremism. This study examines the relationship between perceived discrimination and support for violent radicalization [SVR] among 2,037 young people and young adults in Belgium. Discrimination based on language and political views, and discrimination experienced in interactions with the police and the justice system were associated with SVR. Primary prevention programs in public health should be situated at the micro and macro levels.