The Psy-DREPI Laboratory of the University of Burgundy Franche-Comté – UB, Dijon, France, in partnership with the UNESCO Chair for the Prevention of Radicalisation and Violent Extremism (UNESCO-PREV Chair), is organizing the international symposium ” Menaces Identitaires & Résilience dans le Monde d’aujourd’hui”.
The world is currently suffering from a series of physical, psychological and identity-related traumas that threaten the balance of plural and mixed societies. In response to these threats, real or imagined, different individual and collective strategies are implemented at the State, societal, institutional and individual levels. Thus, plural forms of resistance and resilience appear to prevent identity collapse. The human and social sciences are thus challenged in their ability to make the processes underlying these dramatic events intelligible. From terrorist attacks to natural disasters, from migration crisis to sexual harassment, from stigmatization to (cyber)bullying, genocide, all forms of identity threats will be considered to determine the unvarying factors and defence strategies of humankind in a context marked by the rise of extremes.
The aim is to examine the historical, psychological, somatic, psychosocial, group, cultural, intercultural and global processes involved in the problems of vulnerability and current societal identity crises, as well as the encounter between humans and their changing environments. The symposium thus aims to assess how the changes in the global world resonate in the internal world of individuals, as well as how what emerges from the internal world of individuals can illuminate the harmonious coexistence in our globalized societies.
Registration procedures on the conference website.