New Article on the Link Between the Internet and Violent Extremism

Vivek Venkatesh, one of the UNESCO-PREV Chair’s co-holders, alongside Tiana Gaudette (Simon Fraser University) and Ryan Scrivens (Michigan State University), recently published a new article titled “The Role of the Internet in Facilitating Violent Extremism: Insights from Former Right-Wing Extremists” in Terrorism and Political Violence.

The article explores the link between the internet and violent extremism based on interviews with and experiences of former extremists. More specifically, participants were asked about their use of the Internet and the connection between their on- and offline worlds during their involvement in the violent right-wing extremist movement. Public Safety Canada supported the work under the Community Resilience Fund and Concordia University’s Horizon Postdoctoral Fellowship Program.

To read the original article, please click here.

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