Find the latest news related to the activities led by the UNESCO Chair in Prevention of Violent Radicalization and Extremism and its network, including notable interventions of our experts in the media, in this section.
Forum de la diversité culturelle organized by Action interculturelles

UNESCO-PREV Chair co-holder Pr. David Morin will be giving a talk at the Forum de la diversité culturelle organized by Actions interculturelles on March 21. Young people aged 18 to 35 from the Eastern Townships will be able to interact with a number of speakers in an attempt to find solutions to racism and discrimination. When: March 21, from 8h30AM to 4h30PM. Where: Delta Hotel, 2685 King Ouest street, Sherbrooke. Click here to register! For more informations.
From Systematic Evidence Reviews to Evidence-Based Practice: A Case Example on Prevention of Violent Extremism

UNESCO-PREV Chair co-holder Ghayda Hassan and Scientific Coordinator of the CPN-PREV Sébastien Brouillette-Alarie will co-present next week a public lecture hosted by the Centre for Research and Security Practices (Wilfrid Laurier University) : “This three-hour workshop will provide resources to develop evidence-based best practice using violent extremism as a case example. We will first present the principles, methods, and advantages of systematic reviews in terms of the quality of evidence they provide. We will then present how the evidence is integrated into a Delphi process to generate evidence-based or evidence-informed practices. We will close the loop by focusing on the
Rubicon annual colloquium

UNESCO-PREV Chair co-holder David Morin takes part in Rubicon’s second annual colloquium organized by the Réseau d’anlayse stratégique named “Les défis multidimensionnels de l’ingérence étrangère”, at the French Embassy in Canada on January 18 and 19, 2024. Pr. Morin is taking part in a panel entitled “Interference in scientific research”, alongside Pr. Magdalena Dembinska of the Université de Montréal, Dr. Céline Marangé of IRSEM, Dr. Gaëlle Rivard Piché of Defence Research and Development Canada, and Dr. Marie Robin of the Université Panthéon-Assas. For more informations: https://ras-nsa.ca/fr/evenement/colloque-du-rubicon-les-defis-multidimensionnels-de-lingerence-etrangere/
Collaboration – Dérives podcast

UNESCO-PREV Chair co-holder Marie-Eve Carignan took part in the 3rd season of the podcast Dérives, hosted and produced by Olivier Bernard, which focuses on her research into conspiracy theory. She can be heard in episode 4, which discusses the book “La mafia médicale” by Guylaine Lanctôt, a controversial Quebec ex-doctor. In this new season, Olivier Bernard examines the careers of scientists who have defended marginal or even dangerous ideas, and reveals their unknown impact on society. To listen episode 4 of the third season: https://ici.radio-canada.ca/ohdio/balados/7777/science-croyances-comprendre-encadrement-loi/850459/guylaine-lanctot-mafia-medicale-livre
Grant from the Fonds de Recherche du Québec for the project “La désinformation et les changements climatiques au Québec et au Canada : Acteurs, discours, adhésion et solutions”.

UNESCO-PREV Chair co-holder Marie-Ève Carignan concluded her visit to COP28 in Dubai on December 5. She was there to present two panels, organized by Équiterre, which were a great success. They were part of the activities of the Canada and Francophonie pavilions, and dealt with climate misinformation and polarization. (https://www.equiterre.org/fr/articles/equiterre-cop28-desinformation-climatique) To view the Francophonie pavilion panel: https://epavillonclimatique.francophonie.org/programmation/371 It was also an opportunity to begin work on the recently granted Fonds de Recherche du Québec project “La désinformation et les changements climatiques au Québec et au Canada : Acteurs, discours, adhésion et solutions”.
“Pourquoi tant de haine”: a new podcast by Léa Clermont-Dion
- October 16, 2023
- Léonie Roy
- News, Spotlight

The co-holder of the UNESCO-PREV Chair, Pr. David Morin, takes part in the podcast “Pourquoi tant de haine?” led by Léa Clermont-Dion, associate researcher at the UNESCO-PREV Chair. In Episode 2, “La meute,” Pr. Morin explains, among other things, the causes contributing to the development of hatred towards others. Catherine Montmagny-Grenier, a researcher at the UNESCO-PREV Chair, took part in the first episode, “La genèse “, to demystify online misogyny. She is also collaborating in Episode 2, “La meute”, to define notions of hatred. Co-holder Pr. Vivek Venkatesh of the UNESCO-PREV Chair takes part in Episode 4, “L’espoir