Panel on the humanitarian crisis in Gaza – Rendez-vous Gérin-Lajoie

On February 21, Pr. Sami Aoun, Director of the Scientific Committee of the UNESCO-PREV Chair, will take part in a panel discussion on the humanitarian crisis in Gaza as part of the fourth edition of the Rendez-vous Gérin-Lajoie organized by the Institut d’études internationales de Montréal.

The panel, presented by the Observatoire canadien sur les crises et l’action humanitaire (OCCAH) and the Chaire UNESCO de développement curriculaire (UQAM), aims to take stock of the humanitarian situation in Gaza, in the context of the Middle East crisis that is worrying and dividing the world. The invited experts will explain and contextualize the dramatic events we are witnessing.




Laura-Julie Perreault, international affairs columnist, La Presse

With the participation of :

Joanne Liu, MDCM, FRCPC, Professor at the School of Population and Global Health, McGill University and former President of Médecins sans frontières

Sami Aoun, Professor Emeritus, School of Applied Politics, Université de Sherbrooke and Director, Middle East and North Africa Observatory, Chaire Raoul-Dandurand

Bushra Khalidi, Policy Lead – Oxfam-Québec, Jerusalem

Olivier Arvisais, Professor, Department of Didactics, UQAM, Scientific Co-Chair of the UNESCO Chair in Curriculum Development (UQAM), Scientific Director of the Canadian Observatory on Humanitarian Crises and Action (CCHCA)

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