Symposium “Communication stratégique et mouvance géopolitique”

A symposium entitled “Communication stratégique et mouvance géopolitique : enjeux de sécurité et de désinformation dans un monde en bouleversement ” will be held on October 29, at the Université de Sherbrooke.

Organized by Marie-Eve Carignan, co-holder of the UNESCO-PREV Chair, Emmanuel Choquette, associate professor at the UNESCO-PREV Chair, and Carol-Ann Rouillard, professor in the Department of Communication at the Université de Sherbrooke, this event aims to provide a forum for reflection and exchange on the issues surrounding strategic communication in contexts of security and democratic risk.

David Morin and Emmanuel Choquette, respectively co-holder and associate professor, will take part in the first panel, entitled “Affaires publiques: gestion, prises de décisions et communication des enjeux auprès de la population”.

Marie-Eve Carignan, co-holder, will moderate the second panel, entitled “Information, disinformation and polarization”.

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