The “Words in context” database is now available. This database is aimed at critically analyzing online discourses. It will be used to contribute to decision-making and policy formulation by researchers and public policy-makers.
Presentation of the work of the Chair on misinformation, conspiracy movement and violent extremism
The experts of the UNESCO-PREV Chair will coordinate several projects on misinformation, conspiracy movement and violent extremism.
Launch of the Étude internationale sur les dispositifs de prévention de la radicalisation et de l’extrémisme violents dans l’espace francophone
The Chair is pleased to unveil its participation in the Étude internationale sur les dispositifs de prévention de la radicalisation et de l’extrémisme violents dans l’espace francophone.
Our experts give their analysis on the storming of the Capitol
In response to the storming of the Capitol in Washington, D.C., on January 6, the Chair’s experts gave various interviews on media platforms to analyze the situation.
New Special Issue of Perspectives on Terrorism co-edited by one of the Chair’s experts
A new special issue of the peer-reviewed online journal Perspectives on Terrorism (PT) is co-edited by Joel Busher, one of our experts in PVE.
New Study on Ethno-Cultural Disparities in Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic
A group of Canadian researchers, including CSLP members and Project Someone collaborators, recently published a Canadian study that explores the association between pandemic-specific risk factors and the mental health of minority populations.
Experts from the Chair in a panel about conspiracy theories in the community
Professor Ghayda Hassan, co-holder, gave her analysis during a panel discussion on conspiracy movements, conspiracy theories and their impacts.
Vivek Venkatesh Discusses Social Pedagogy on Le Réverbère Podcast
In collaboration with the Conseil supérieur de l’éducation du Québec, Malorie Flon, Director of Development at the Institut du Nouveau Monde, spoke with the co-holder Vivek Venkatesh.
The Université de Sherbrooke launches “UdeS Monde”, an exchange and knowledge sharing centre
In order to raise awareness in the Université de Sherbrooke community about the many benefits of internationalization and to encourage the development of initiatives, the Université de Sherbrooke is launching “UdeS Monde”, a centre for exchanges and knowledge sharing.
New MRIF Report on the Quebec-UNESCO community
The Ministère des Relations internationales et de la Francophonie du Québec (MRIF) recently published a report entitled “Le Québec et l’UNESCO — Une vision, une communauté, des priorités pour 2020-2021.“ The report highlights the contribution of the Quebec-UNESCO community.