Find the latest news related to the activities led by the UNESCO Chair in Prevention of Violent Radicalization and Extremism and its network, including notable interventions of our experts in the media, in this section.
Colloquium “Prévalence et degré de pénétration de la désinformation russe relative à la guerre russo-ukrainienne dans l’espace informationnel en Occident”

David Morin, co-holder of the UNESCO-PREV Chair, will take part in the colloquium “Prévalence et degré de pénétration de la désinformation russe relative à la guerre russo-ukrainienne dans l’espace informationnel en Occident” organized by ÉNAP, MINDS, the Strategic Analysis Network and the Centre canadien d’études allemandes et européennes (CCEAE) He will take part in the panel “Possible measures and actions to counter the penetration of pro-Russian narratives, of Russian origin and from other countries”. For further information, click here.
Report Désinformation et déni climatique : revue de la littérature et portrait de la situation au Québec
- March 20, 2025
- Sylvana
- Literature Chair, News, Spotlight

The UNESCO-PREV Chair is proud to present this new report, which takes an overview of climate misinformation, disinformation and denial in Quebec and Canada. The report firstly summarizes what we know about the manifestations of climate denial, its causes, how it relates to misinformation and disinformation, and the solutions being considered to counter it. Secondly, it provides an analysis of media coverage of climate misinformation, highlighting the issues involved in transmitting information between the scientific community, the general public and other interested parties, who meet at the crossroads of the media. Thirdly and finally, this report offers a typology of
- March 19, 2025
- Sylvana
- Events, News, Partner Events, Spotlight

The UNESCO-PREV Chair is partnering with the Centre d’études du religieux contemporain (CERC) of the Université de Sherbrooke for the Summer School event entitled La recherche de sens chez les jeunes: pour un meilleur accompagnement. Mathieu Colin, postdoctoral researcher at the Chair, will give a talk on young people’s adherence to conspiracy theories! The School is offered in both a credited version for people who would like to have 3 Master’s-level credits on their transcript, and a continuing education version. If you don’t want to take the full course, you can register for just one or two of the continuing
Operation HORIZON conference

Christine Hurov, Lieutenant-Commander of the Canadian Armed Forces, will present Operation HORIZON: “Fostering Peace, Stability and International Order” in the Indo-Pacific region, at the Université de Sherbrooke on March 24. Free admission! For further information : https://www.usherbrooke.ca/dep-com/actualites/evenements/details/55199
Le printemps le plus long mini-series

Did you know that Pr. David Morin, co-holder of the UNESCO-PREV Chair, took part in the documentary mini-series Le printemps le plus long, presented by Éric Bruneau and Alec Castonguay? The series takes a behind-the-scenes look at Quebec’s worst-ever health crisis, and the emergency response that ensued during the first year of the pandemic. Pr. Morin is featured in the third episode, “Une dose de méfiance”, available on the Véro.tv section of ICI Tou.tv Extra. The miniseries has also been adapted as a podcast, available on OHdio. You can hear our co-holder in episode 4 of the podcast entitled “Eux
Symposium “Trente ans après les attentats d’Aum Shinrikyō”

Two members of the UNESCO-PREV Chair will be taking part in the symposium « Trente ans après les attentats d’Aum Shinrikyō – Les enjeux contemporains de la radicalisation – Sécurité intérieure, criminalité organisée et autres aspects sociétaux » on March 20 and 21, at the Université de Montréal. David Morin, co-holder of the UNESCO-PREV Chair, will give a presentation entitled « La violence politique dans le discours des mouvements anti-autorités au Québec ». Mathieu Colin, a postdoctoral researcher with the Chair, will present on “L’Ordre des Neuf Angles: les convergences entre néo-nazisme et islam radical dans l’accélérationnisme contemporain”. For further information (full program, registration,