Find the latest news related to the activities led by the UNESCO Chair in Prevention of Violent Radicalization and Extremism and its network, including notable interventions of our experts in the media, in this section.
« Comprendre les enjeux entourant la situation actuelle à Gaza » conference at the Université de Sherbrooke

As part of UdeS Monde, the co-holder and scientific director of the UNESCO-PREV Chair, David Morin and Sami Aoun, will take part in the event “Comprendre les enjeux entourant la situation actuelle à Gaza” on May 24 at noon in the foyer du Mont-Orford at the Centre culturel de l’Université de Sherbrooke. The two professors will give a short presentation on the current situation in Gaza. Debates, exchanges and self-criticism on both sides of the conflict will be discussed, while also shedding light on possible ways out of the crisis. Professors Sami Aoun and David Morin will then take questions
“Les polycrises: une nouvelle réalité internationale? “: first international colloquium of the LIRIC

On May 22, the Laboratoire interdisciplinaire sur les risques et les crises (LIRIC) will be holding its first international colloquium, entitled “Les polycrises: une nouvelle réalité internationale?”. LIRIC Director Adib Bencherif, associate professor at the UNESCO-PREV Chair, and several other members of the Chair will be on hand to take part in panels and a round table discussion entitled “The nexus of disinformation, extremism and democratic crises in polycrisis”. To view the program, click here.
Seminar at Université de Rennes 2

UNESCO-PREV Chair co-holder Marie-Eve Carignan will host a seminar entitled “Comprendre les mécanismes de la désinformation climatique et ses liens avec l’extrémisme et la radicalisation politique” at the Université de Rennes 2 on May 22.
Project CounteR
- May 02, 2024
- Sylvana
- Literature Partners, News, Spotlight

The UNESCO-PREV Chair is pleased to announce the successful completion of a project by a long-standing partner: Les Militants des Savoirs. The CounteR project consortium has developed a privacy-friendly situational awareness platform designed to predict terrorist and criminal violence, combat radicalization and protect citizens. This innovative tool enables the detection of radical content online. Funded by Horizon Europe – the EU’s flagship research and innovation program – this three-year project has played a crucial role in the fight against radicalization, aimed at ensuring a safer world. CounteR is a revolutionary early warning tool, functional in 12 languages, which actively monitors
4th study day “Accéder à soi. Accéder à l’autre. Diversité des expressions culturelles, médias et migration”

On May 9 and 10, the 4th study day “Accéder à soi. Accéder à l’autre. Diversité des expressions culturelles, médias et migration” will be held. The event is organized by the Chaire UNESCO sur la diversité des expressions culturelles, the Chaire UNESCO pour les droits de l’homme et la démocratie, the Observatoire de la diversité et des droits culturels, the Centre de recherche Cultures-Arts-Société and the Centre d’études sur les médias. UNESCO-PREV Chair co-holder Marie-Eve Carignan will take part in a round table discussion on the participation of migrants in the creation, production and diffusion of cultural expressions and media
Conference at Université Paris-Est Crétail

On May 3, UNESCO-PREV Chair co-holder Marie-Eve Carignan will give a conference at Université Paris-Est Créteil as part of the study day “Penser les rapports au savoir : Démarches critiques et sciences participatives”. Her presentation is entitled “Mieux comprendre le rôle de diverses initiatives d’éducation aux médias et à l’information (ÉMI) au Québec : présentation des projets le Détecteur de rumeurs de l’Agence Science-Presse, #30 secondes avant d’y croire du Centre québécois d’éducation aux médias et à l’information (CQÉMI) et les As de l’information des Coops de l’information”. For further information: click here.