Report “Preventing Violent Radicalization in Canada: A Virtual Community of Practice Model for Improved Collaboration and Professional Practices”

As part of the PREV-IMPACT Canada project, the UNESCO-PREV Chair carried out an evaluation of the project “Preventing Violent Radicalization in Canada: A Virtual Community of Practice Model for Improved Collaboration and Professional Practices”, led by CPN-PREV. This initiative aims to create a virtual community of practice where participants (practitioners and managers in the field of preventing violent radicalization and extremism across Canada) meet regularly to share knowledge, discuss their respective cases and foster collaboration.

Written by Sabrina Paillé, Pablo Madriaza and Nicolas Quiroga, this evaluation is based on a theory of change and uses a longitudinal and mixed-methods approach to examine the implementation and outcomes of the virtual community of practice during its first two years of existence.

To consult the report, click here.