GREPEC (Groupe de Recherche en Matière Pénale et Criminelle) and CReSPo (Centre de Recherche en Science Politique), de l’Université Saint-Louis – Brussels, organized the conference-debate – “The legal and Political Issues of the Fight Against Terrorism: A Comparative Approach Between Belgium and France.”
Despite the Islamic State losing ground in Syria and Iraq, the fight against terrorism remains an important issue for European states today. For several years, France and Belgium have multiplied their efforts to prevent attacks similar to those of November 13, 2015, in Paris and March 22, 2016, in Brussels. Faced with a vague and polymorphous threat, we are witnessing a reorganization of the fight against terrorism and a transformation of the missions and roles of security professionals – police, military, judges, and intelligence services.
During this conference-debate, Olivier Cahn (University of Tours) questioned the nature of these transformations and their link with the law. The discussion was then launched by Chloé Thomas (F.R.S.-FNRS, Université Saint-Louis – Brussels).