The Prevention of Violent Radicalization: Evidence-Based Guidelines to Promote Efficient Interventions

Conference Report – March 2019

By: S. Brouillette-Alarie, G. Hassan, S.Ousman, L. Lavoie, J. Perrault & the CPN-PREV team. 

In March 2019, select members of the Canadian Consensus Guidelines (CCGC; and the International Consensus Guidelines (ICGC; Committees were invited to take part in a mega-week, which comprised various conferences and workshops on themes related to preventing and countering violent extremism (P/CVE).

Among these, the UNESCO-PREV CHAIR and the Canadian Practitioners Network for Prevention of Radicalization and Extremist Violence (CPN-PREV; hosted a workshop entitled “The Prevention of Violent Radicalization: Evidence-Based Guidelines to Promote Efficient Interventions.”

During this workshop, the advice of CCGC and ICGC experts was solicited on recommendations for practice resulting from systematic reviews conducted by CPN-PREV. Experts were asked to review these recommendations according to their research/intervention expertise, the scientific literature they knew, or if all else failed, their professional intuition.

This consensus conference was the first step in order to transform these systematic review-based recommendations into official clinical guidelines for practice.

You can access the report by clicking here.