Upcoming Concordia Webinar about PROFILE

Concordia University will be offering a webinar with guest speaker Vivek Venkatesh who will discuss the recently launched PROFILE. It is a toolkit that creates awareness around the impasse of systemic racism and profiling and offers possible ways forward.

The UNESCO-PREV Chair at EUROCRIM2020 Conference

In partnership with the University of Bucharest’s Faculty of Law, the European Society of Criminology will host its 20th EUROCRIM annual conference on September 10th and 11th, 2020. Pablo Madriaza, from the UNESCO-PREV Chair, will participate in the event as a panelist.

New Article on the Link Between the Internet and Violent Extremism

Vivek Venkatesh, one of the UNESCO-PREV Chair’s co-holders, alongside Tiana Gaudette (Simon Fraser University) and Ryan Scrivens (Michigan State University), recently published a new article titled “The Role of the Internet in Facilitating Violent Extremism: Insights from Former Right-Wing Extremists” in Terrorism and Political Violence.

Prestigious FRQSC Grant for Concordia’s CSLP

Concordia University’s Centre for the Study of Learning and Performance (CSLP) has received a prestigious grant of $1.8 million spread over the next seven (7) years from the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et culture (FRQSC), one of the province’s most renowned research funding institutions.

New CEFIR Report: Teaching Sensitive Topics to College Students

Justine Castonguay-Payant, doctoral student in education sciences at the Université de Montréal and member of the Centre d’expertise et de formation sur les intégrismes religieux, les idéologies politiques et la radicalisation (CEFIR), and Martin Geoffroy, director of CEFIR and professor of sociology at Cégep Édouard-Montpetit, recently published a research report titled “Radicalization, sensitive subjects and co-constructions of knowledge: a review of the literature”. This report explores key research on approaches to addressing sensitive topics, particularly radicalization, in college education. This question is at the heart of the educational community’s concerns about issues that can affect both students and teachers.

New Article on Futures Thinking in Black Metal

Vivek Venkatesh, co-holder of the UNESCO-PREV Chair, and Jason Wallin have co-authored a new article titled “No satisfaction, no fun, no future: Futures thinking in black metal”.

Published in Metal Music Studies (volume 6, issue 2), this article aims, according to the authors, to think the burgeoning theoretical orientation known as accelerationism alongside black metal, particularly as black metal harnesses accelerationist strategies of negation and opposition on behalf of surveying a world out-of-step with its “normative” conceptualization.