Project SOMEONE Announces the Upcoming Launch of PROFILE

In conjunction with the United Nation’s International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, Project Someone is proud to announce the upcoming launch of PROFILE, a practical toolkit that aims to understand racial and social profiling. In this short teaser video-clip, Will Prosper—founder of Hoodstock and former RCMP officer—talks about the broad ways in which profiling occurs and Quebec’s failure to recognize the problem.

Professor Séraphin Alava Is Awarded the Prestigious 2019 APM Prize

On February 21st, 2020, Mr. Séraphin Alava, Associate Member of the UNESCO Chair in Prevention of Radicalisation and Violent Extremism, was awarded the prestigious 2019 PAM Award. The presentation ceremony took place in Athens as part of the 14th Plenary of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean at the Hellenic Parliament.

Why do Canadians join hate groups? Concordia researchers may have part of the answer

Why do people join extremist movements? Researchers at Concordia think they know part of the answer. In a study, researchers spoke to 10 people who joined radical movements. “The pathway to radicalization isn’t necessarily something that’s very distinct,” UNESCO co-chair in prevention of radicalization Vivek Vekatesh told CTV Montreal.

Researchers work with former right-wing extremists to prevent and counter recruitment into violent organizations

Empathy, respect and support are needed for those who may be tempted to join hate groups, or are trying to leave them, study finds. As groups like The Base aspire to ever-more violent acts, Canadian law enforcement authorities are treating right-wing extremism as a mounting threat to the country’s security.

Fear of What? Violent Extremism in Québec and the Media Landscape

Radicalisation does not necessarily lead to violent extremism. Extremists who commit violent crimes are usually characterized by tough personal backgrounds. For example, either themselves directly or the group towards which they feel they belong to might have been victims of discrimination, whether real or perceived.

The UNESCO-PREV Chair Welcomes Méi-Ra St-Laurent, Ph. D.

Officially launched on February 23rd, 2018, the UNESCO-PREV Chair has seen two very busy years in Québec, in Canada and  internationally. In the last twelve months, the Chair’s team aimed to strengthen and structure its network on the national level and, more importantly, on the international level.