The UNESCO-PREV Chair at EUROCRIM2020 Conference

In partnership with the University of Bucharest’s Faculty of Law, the European Society of Criminology will host its 20th EUROCRIM annual conference on September 10th and 11th, 2020. Pablo Madriaza, from the UNESCO-PREV Chair, will participate in the event as a panelist.

Our Co-Chairholder Vivek Venkatesh in A Conference on Systemic Racism This Month

Location: Online

Start Date:

To contribute to the discussion on systemic racism, the Association for Canadian Studies, Metropolis Canada and the Canadian Commission for UNESCO are organizing a free online conference titled “Understanding Systemic Racism in Canada: Concept and Data”. Bringing together experts to assess anti-racism policies and practices, present new data on Canadians’ perceptions of systemic racism, and share the perspectives of Indigenous and racialized communities in Canada, the web event will take place on June 23rd, 2020 from 11:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Gender and Violent Extremism Today

Location: Online

Start Date:

Examining contemporary cases and international responses, this live briefing will bring together leading academic and policy experts to analyze gendered dynamics of violent extremism, and discuss what a gender lens means for how we respond to violent extremism today. On Thursday, the 4th of June 2020, from 16:00 to 17:30 (CET/GMT+1), the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism – The Hague will host an online live briefing, followed by a Q&A session, on gender and violent extremism.

Diversity and Inclusion: Diversity Representativeness For the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

Location: Le Gesù (room Custeau), Montréal, QC, Canada

Start Date:

As part of the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, the Ministry of Canadian Heritage, Québec region, will host an event titled “Diversity and Inclusion: Diversity Representativeness For the Elimination of Racial Discrimination” on March 17th, 2020, in Montréal, Canada.

M. Vivek Venkatesh, Co-Holder of the UNESCO Chair in prevention of radicalisation and violent extremism and Professor at Concordia University, will represent the Chair and its Project SOMEONE at the event.

“Prevention of Radicalisation and Violent Extremism in Québec: Overview and Perspectives” Two-Day Conference

Location: Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada

Start Date:

Alongside their collaborators, the UNESCO Chair in Prevention of Radicalisation and Violent Extremism (UNESCO-PREV Chair) and the Research and Action on Social Polarisations (RAPS) team co-organize a two-day conference on the outcomes and perspective from initiatives and practices in the field of prevention of radicalisation and violent extremism in Québec.